tiny newsletter #157: happy anna howard shaw day to us all

hello helloooo,

anyone else miss 30 rock? i woke up thinking about this clip. if you forgot it's valentine's day and need a last min plan, draw up IOU date coupons. ideas: eat dumplings in chinatown, see a play, go to a workout class, paint-a-pot? 

this week, i...

👕 wore this nora shirt. i had these made up for friends to surprise fotn eleonora saravalle w for her bday and they were a huge hit. highly rec this etsy shop and general gift concept.  

🌸 made paper mache flowers. it's fotn lwam rafel's bday tmrw (yes it is everyone i know's bday lately) and i'm finishing these up rn. i gotta say, it was incredibly cathartic to rip up newspaper headlines to make it. 

‼️ freaked out re: this cake. i can't get over the details on this! the sugared cranberries feel incredibly special. i think i need to put an elaborate baking project on my calendar...who remembers guggencake?

~ bonus section ~ 

☀️ an ode to morning walks ☀️ i'm sorry to report my park walk this week was my first in at least 3, maybe 4 months. truly a shonda. morning sun in my eyes feels like rebooting myself, will be bundling up again tmrw.

💌 and that's the tiny letter! thank you for reading, xo aud 


tiny newsletter #158: hey now you're an all star


tiny newsletter #156: engaged / disassociating