you're invited! to my ✨newsletter!✨

hi !!!

if you’re reading this email, you’re a dear friend of mine. i hope the email i have for you is accurate, and doesn’t bounce. thank you for opening it!

for as long as i can remember, i have loved reading blogs on the internet. sea of shoes, cup of jo, cupcakes and cashmere, heart of light are just a few of the ones that comes to mind. a small part of me has always dreamed that i could work for one of these blogs, or run one myself one day.

but - i got a bit trapped up with ~capitalism~ and !fear! along the way. and as i’m sure we all know - the money isn’t in blogging anymore. the money is in youtube! and tiktok! and video taping every second of your life! that does not feel very ~me~ to me. that feels stressful, and difficult, and overwhelming, and Not Very Fun At All. please, i do not want to be videotaped, thank you!

but i still love what i love, and what i love is this: online lifestyle content that is recommendation-forward and worth the reader’s time. i’ve decided to start a weekly newsletter that is (hopefully) exactly this. not only to honor my younger self, who always wanted to give something like this a go, but also for current me, who feels in a rut, would like to start writing more, and needs some sort of external pressure to shake things up.

i figure that for this to succeed (aka for me to stick with it over time) i have to keep the stakes extremely low. therefore, this newsletter will be very short. in fact, this is already quite a bit longer than i’m planning on the newsletters being! the format will also remain the same. every week (besides holidays cuz i’m not a monster) on fridays at 11am - i will send out my newsletter, very creatively named ‘aud’s tiny letter’.

everything about it will be tiny - the length and the content itself. i simply will not be capitalizing anything! why? because it’s my newsletter, and i make the rules!! and because i love typing like this without going back and adding caps, unless it is to be done ironically. (i make the rules…and i can break them ).

the things i write about may be new to you, old to you, not at all groundbreaking to you!! nothing i write about will ever be priced at 1 million doubloons. the newsletters may also include personal updates / musings on life. if you want to read and follow along, i’d love to write for you.

a little bit of housekeeping – please respond and let me know if you want to receive further iterations of this newsletter! if not, i truly promise it’s nbd, just reply and say no thanks! that way, i don’t spam any of you. if you really like it, consider sharing with a friend! but only if you mean it.

i’ll be on vacation for a week here and then it’s holiday time, so newsletter edition #2 will show up in your inbox on fri, jan 7th. rsvp by jan 3rd plz!

without further ado, here’s newsletter edition #1 –

hi friends! how are you?! thank you for reading the very first edition of my tiny newsletter!!!

this week i…

👀 watched all 8 harry potter movies and decided that #5, order of phoenix, is the best, closely followed by #1, sorcerer’s stone. in this difficult time we are living through, I do recommend a harry potter marathon for serotonin if your brain isn’t making enough on its own. which one is your favorite?

👂 heard that the beloved call your girlfriend podcast is winding down. rip cyg! have you ever listened? two of my favorite episodes that are wildly different (i have range and so will this newsletter!!): 2018 episode with ai-jen poo on paying caregivers fairly and 2020 episode on how to get your taxes right.

😋 ate the trader joe’s bulgogi beef fried rice with kimchi and gave it a 8.8/10 rating. the package says it’s for 2 servings, but i polished it off myself, no problem. it’s a new favorite pick for a quick and cheap ($4.99 for 1 bag) dinner. *sorry vegetarians, ily!

~ bonus section ~

❤️ an ode to shout stain remover ❤️ do you have stains on your clothes or in your life? i cannot recommend more the one, the only, shout! this bad boy - available at any drugstore near you - will change your life. i have been preaching how well this silly spray works my entire life and thank goodness i now have this newsletter to once again be talking about it. simply spray directly on stains, wash on cold, and voila!

💌 and that’s the tiny newsletter! xo aud


tiny newsletter edition #2: what, it's a new year or something?!