tiny newsletter #69: ready for a nap
how's it going? all my doing caught up with me this week, i'm wiped! good thing we have mon off, i'm excited to spend it reading in the park.
this week, i...
📺 watched jury duty. this show follows a fake jury duty process with a big caveat — one unsuspecting juror thinks it’s real. hilarious, heartwarming, perf for the long weekend.
🗞️ read how much does it cost to live like this?in this curbed article, journalists interviewed young nyc residents about their dream future lives and then calculated the costs. helpful!
🎧 listened to walcott by vampire weekend. as i head to my 5 yr college reunion today, this song's on my mind, lol. “wallcott, fuck the women from wellfleet” (said like wellesley).
~ bonus section ~
👩🍳 an ode to eggplant caponata 👩🍳 i would never rec a recipe w so many ingredients if it wasn't truly worth the effort. i was shocked at how delish this was, maybe you'd like it too?
💌 and that's the tiny letter! thank you for reading, xo aud